CEO’s WEEKLY UPDATES (Apr 18 — Apr 24)
1. New Partner: Inu Wars, Crypto Battles, Money Trees, Place Wars
2. AMA: ELF Matrix 22/4/2022 and Chainlink 20 APRIL 2022
3. Master Game season 3: REWARD UP TO 1000 USDT
4. EFUN DAPP EXPERIENCE- Predict-To-Earn Challenge: PRIZE POOL: 1,000,0000 EFUN
📌Product Development:
1. Release Asian Handicap history page
2. Integrating community liquidity pool feature
3. R&D on self-hosting prediction event feature
☀️COMING WEEK (Apr 25 — May 01)
2. Ama with Inu Wars and Money Tree
3. Meeting New Partners: Myobu, KTS Group
1. Improve UI for Asian Handicap and Group Predict gameplay
2. Implement sharing match feature
3. Designing self-hosting prediction event feature
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